Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Goth Name

Thanks to Mary, I decided to see what my new Goth Name would be....

Avenging Anal Leak
funny nontheless.......but kind of disgusting. Made me laugh though ;)
K right now is at the neighbors house across the street trying to help the older lady get her Christmas lights on. She spent so much time and effort to get all these lights up this weekend....and now they aren't on. (The previous people had some electrical issues...along with quite a few people in our area).
K's had the past few days off......hasn't really got to relax all that much.... Between fixing extension cords, plugging in a light for our diaper drive sign, etc. She ran to Costco today to pick up a few things, etc. I'm so thankful for her and all that she does for me!
I felt pretty horrible on Sunday and Monday.......nausea city. Monday I wasn't sure I was going to make it without throwing up..........but I did it! I think sometimes the things I eat trigger it....I can't really remember what I had ate .... but know I had quite a bit of dairy and pizza was in one meal......... I think K and I have decided that if we go out - I need to get a sandwich. Also, sometimes on the weekend my eating schedule gets messed up (unlike my more routinely eating on the weekdays) and that may not have helped. Nonetheless, I felt like a whole new person today.
Have I said how excited I am for the midwife appointment on Thursday? :) It makes it seem even that much more real! :)
Also, wanted to put a little plug in for my friend and new mom Lori and her care and love for her new baby Jacob and the openess they have for Jacob to do what's best for Mom and Dad and baby. Yeah for co-sleeping and hands-free slings!! :) WAY to go Lori and Eric!!
That's it for now............. more later!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so cute!!! I love the shout-out!!!

Babies, more than other subjects, bring out EVERYONE'S opinions!!! You can read all you want, plan all you want, but ultimately you are the mom to that baby and know what's best for him or her. Listen to your gut and stay flexible! That's my best advice.
That and know that those 2 weeks after the baby is born (baby blues) can be rough, but you will get through it!