Lots has been going on latley. I cannot believe it is July already! Half of 2007 is gone! I am ready for summer to be here. It looks like the sun will hit us soon (this coming week - and - gasp - we may have AWESOME weather for the 4th of July, which I am looking forward to! I always enjoy the 4th of July festivities as I get to see some people only 1 time a year - and this is it! I enjoy this time muchly ;o)
Work has been kind of stressful latley - making it not so fun. I'll be working this weekend, if that states anything.
We've been having discussion in the household in regards to budgets, etc. We're starting to put some cash into envelopes and try to pay off some debt. It has been fun to be able to finally get a hold of something and control it. :)
I've been kind of on edge this week with some unknown news of a blood test that was requested of me to get. It could be good/bad news, if you know what I mean :) just very anxious to get the results. I'm not stating too much in hopes it isn't........but if it is - there'd be lots of answers too. You see...LOL
I saw this video today and was speechless, completely, speechless. Still do not know what to think. Just makes me want to hug every women out there but on the other hand makes me want to hurt some too. *sigh*
I came to the conclusion that if we have a kid, we will have just 1, and maybe 2. I had originally thought of having quite a few kids - if I have enough love for them and can raise them - then why not? Well, after spending time with K's nieces (4, 2 and 2 month old twins! - we went and all picked strawberries) I've got enough of the lots of kids. 1 would be fun, but if twins happened (with artificial ways...that's always a greater possibility) then that's what we'd be blessed with :)
I ordered my 6 other songs today from Animated Lighting. They should be here this week. Now I need to find a radio station that isn't too popular to start making my "Tune In" sign.
Our garden is growing like crazy!! We're growing kohlrabi, rhubarb, onion, carrots, cucumber, beans, corn, raspberries and strawberries! We did a local CSA farm last year, but just found we didn't know how to cook and/or didn't like all the veggies given with it - so decided this year to take it upon ourselves to do the garden. It has been fun!!
That's it for now. How about that? Almost 2 posts in 1 week. Wonder if anyone ever checks this anymore? ;o)
4 weeks ago